They Got The Fire Down Below


A fellow pastor lamented recently that we are in a “crisis of judgment.” He stated the crisis is that we have churches without godly pastors, but I wonder if he meant mostly that those pastoring our churches are not godly, or that our churches do not have pastors (I mean a real person in that office, not some snarky way of saying “so-and-so may think he’s a pastor but he is not”) He kind of hinted at both because he talked about young men ignoring the call to preach as well as established preachers not putting what he judged to be an appropriate amount of time in sermon prep. But which is the greater problem, I wonder? What is the judgment? Does God judge the denomination that tolerates poor pastoring by NOT calling its young men? Does God judge the denomination whose young men refuse his call by striking its pastors deaf, blind, and dumb? Does God judge denominations at all? I think Scripture is clear that He at least judges local churches and their pastors.

I don’t know why young men are ignoring the call to preach, but at the same time I don’t know why we ordain sixteen year old boys, or entrust the watchcare of souls to SOME twenty-two year old men. I answered the call to preach at age 30, after three years of kicking against the pricks. But looking back, I think–repeat THINK–God was calling me as a teenager. I was very bold in my witness during high school. I preached what I was told were great sermons in our church youth services. I ran the children’s church, delivering expository lessons to the kids before I even knew what expository meant. I was edified by some very godly saints, but I didn’t hold my pastor in high regard, and I had no desire for his job. Instead I pursued a career in art, using a talent that I recognized to be from God since I was a child.

I do regret not answering the call (if it was that) at 17, but then again I don’t. I think it turned out better for my family as I became one with my wife and we raised our kids outside of the fishbowl. Plus I was more mature than the kids at Bible College, and was (mostly) above the shenanigans. 😉

But yes, like my friend in the ministry, I am concerned about the diminishing numbers of pastoral students. But maybe these things happen in waves. Maybe God is preparing hearts even as I type this.

Jeremiah 20:9 says, “But if I say, ‘I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name,’ then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it.” I believe there are men young and old who have tried to be silent, but are reaching the point where they can no longer endure holding God’s word inside them. I’m looking at my freshman yearbook from Bible College. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that some solid guys like Scotty, Kenny, Mark, Jacob, James, Jamie, Jackson, Jim, Mike, and many others and I came to the college that year (and the surrounding years). God led us there. There was a fire in our bones and we were weary from holding it in. I feel proud to be part of that “generation.” I would love to hear Jesus say of us, “I have guarded them and not one of them has been lost.”  Is it too late for that, or is there still hope?

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